08 October 2015

Type in Swift

Swift is a strongly Typed Language. Meaning that it will consider each and every variable along with its type. If some operation causes type mis match it causes an error.

Before getting into this let us see the ways of making swift compiler understand the type of the variable.

Explicit indication

 var <variableName>: <variableType>

variableType tells the compiler that the variable is of this type. so for eg.

var name: String

Type Inference

var <variableName> = <variableValue>

so from the variableValue it figures out the type of the variable. for eg.

var name = "Hello"

So having known this, where comes strong typing ? Ya, having known the type of the variable, if the varible is assigned a value of a different type then the compiler cannot tolerate as the expected type did not match the input value type. It flings an error in such a scenario.

For eg.

var name = "Hello"
name = 1

<stdin>:3:8: error: cannot assign a value of type 'Int' to a value of type 'String'
name = 1

This intolerance to mismatching variable types makes it a Strongly Typed Language.

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